
Posts Tagged ‘Misinformation’

I saw this on AOL yesterday and it is typical of the fear mongering used to sell “product”, that is air time and advertising or in the case of “scientists”, government grants. It is our job to be informed citizens and seek the truth. A better source of the truth about climate change and the truth about global warming is Watts up with that.

From AOL April 22, 2009

“Earth’s Glory, Troubles Seen From Space”

“(April 22) — Blue seas, marbled terrain, swirling white clouds. In celebration of Earth Day Wednesday, NASA reached deep into its archives for stunning images of the planet that we call home. One photo offers a dire reminder: Global warming could change the Earth as we know it. See the photos below, and find out 10 things you may not know about the third rock from the sun. Further down, see the planet’s frightening forecast over the next few years, decades and beyond.”


“Frightening Forecast for Earth
What lies ahead for the planet as global warming takes hold? In 2007, a United Nations panel predicted the following drastic changes. Click through the gallery to see what might lie ahead.”

Notice the choice of words.


I will address the United Nations in a future article. There is plenty of fodder there for an article on searching for intelligent life.

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